Becoming a HVAC Technician: Why the Right Education Matters
At Capstone College in Pasadena, we meet many students over the course of each school year at our HVAC Technician College in Los Angeles County. In the middle of our onboarding admissions meetings and student orientations with admissions officers, we often get asked by future HVAC Technician students, “Do you really need to go to an HVAC Technology School in order to become a HVAC Technician in California?”
While our staff’s responses are always different on a case-by-case basis, and though it’s not exactly “easy” to break into the construction or HVAC field in Southern California, as a student, it can be if you follow some basic steps and have a proven strategy that has worked for other successful graduates who are working in the field of their choice. To put things into perspective, you’ve got to take into consideration what works for other successful people who are serious about not only starting but leaving a mark as a contractor or HVAC Tech; we know they took their HVAC education seriously while at school.
When it comes to getting an education and the proper schooling, becoming a great HVAC Technician is no different than becoming a great police officer or engineer; you’ve got to go to school in order to gain the right foundation for HVAC Tech and to understand the basic service and procedural fundamentals that you can’t get anywhere else except for a certified and licensed HVAC Tech college in California. And while in most cases, HVAC Technicians do not need to be “certified,” California employers including well-known contractors, large construction firms, private contractors are often looking for certified applicants who have attended a well-known HVAC Tech college in Los Angeles when it comes time to fill positions and begin searching for HVAC Technicians.
Construction Firms and Contractors: What do They Want in an HVAC Technician?</h2
It’s common knowledge that the responsibilities of HVAC Technicians will often differ as you move from construction firm to construction firm, Contractor to Contractor and Contractor to Contractor, but so do the actual requirements for each position – generally, the lead contractor will make the final decision as to what the educational minimums are for their HVAC Technicians and what the day-to-day functions for HVAC technicians in the field will entail. If you’re working as an independent contractor, then you set your own terms and hours!
It’s important to remember that there also some contractors or employers (including construction and energy firms) will generally be selective as to the training and education of their HVAC technicians, simply based on the amount of time and face-to-face work they put in on the field while on their own.
HVAC Technicians Should be trained to Tackle Any Size Job
Most Southern California construction firms, private contractors and well known construction firms are searching for a HVAC Technician who is more geared for simple fix-its and tune-ups, but as an HVAC Technician in a metropolitan place like Los Angeles County, you will still be required to have a basic understanding of HVAC Tech concepts as well as some formal education and schooling from a reputable HVAC Technician College or post-secondary training school.
Even though your day-to-day within this type of position would revolve more around basic repairs that rely on your standard heating, ventilation and air conditioning repair training, you’ll still be glad you attended a HVAC Tech school because there’s a lot of you’ll often be handling and performing multiple jobs that include getting your hands dirty for multiple clients throughout the course of just one day out in the field as a technician.
Work Hard as an HVAC Technician and Watch Your Hard Work Pay Off
If you want a solid start as an HVAC Tech in Los Angeles or Pasadena, you will want to prep for it by attending a well-known and accredited or licensed HVAC Technician school or college. Since you’ll be working hands-on with many HVAC customers throughout the course of the same day, you’ll want to be prepared. Nothing’s worse than starting a new position and losing that momentum once you’re working with live clients out in the field in the middle of a repair. Remember that going to a reputable HVAC school will also help you judge what kind of workload you can not only expect, but enjoy. The same can be said for HVAC Technicians who want to work independently.
At a reputable HVAC Technician College you’ll learn the fundamentals of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Repair as well as earn a solid foundation in HVAC technology, latest machinery and basic deductive and diagnostic principles. The best HVAC Technician schools in Los Angeles such as Capstone College in Pasadena will also cover basics such as working on your own as an independent HVAC Technician and basic customer service principles you can use in the field.
How to be a Successful HVAC Technician in LA County
If you want to become a HVAC Technician in Los Angeles County or are interested in getting started as a HVAC Technician in California, you’ll want to earn a solid foundation that will make you stand out from the crowd of applicants when you attend your Contractor interview. They’ll want to know if you’re a qualified and certified HVAC Technician and whether you understand the basic fundamentals of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning as well as handling the latest HVAC Tech and latest state of the art construction firm requirements and technologies, all while learning how to diagnose and repair as efficiently as possible. If you’re interested in becoming a HVAC Technician in Los Angeles, simply based on the huge metropolitan area alone and the amount of competition, you’re going to want to attend a reputable HVAC college in order to shine and stand out from the rest of the pack.
You’ll want to attend a solid HVAC Technician School such as Capstone College in Pasadena, where we’ve seen thousands of happy graduates move on to work in LA as HVAC Technicians. We put a strong focus on making sure our graduates not only know how to assist our students in passing the Contractor’s Exams, but also taking what you’ve learned at our HVAC school and applying it in your day-to-day.
Capstone College knows how competitive it is when it comes to finding a job as an HVAC Technician in a large market like LA County. If you’re in Los Angeles or Pasadena and have started looking already, then you probably have an idea as well. Why not come to one of the best HVAC Technology schools in LA that specializes in getting our students prepped for the field and on the fast-track to earning their own pay. Capstone College has one of the longest standing HVAC Tech college courses in all of California, and we’d love to give you a free, no-hassles tour of our beautiful campus in Pasadena, California.
Call Capstone College today at (888) 991-1580 today and let us help you get started as a HVAC Technician in Los Angeles right away! For more information, please visit Capstone College online today and see how we can fast-track your success as a HVAC Technician today! You can find out more about our Pasadena, CA HVAC Technician program by visiting us at today!