Student Services
Capstone College assists graduates in obtaining employment upon the successful completion of the proposed program. The school’s Placement Counselor conducts an active search in the labor market and strives to identify vacancies for which qualified graduates may interview. However, the School does not in any way guarantee employment, and the student must assume final responsibility for securing a job.
Our accreditation considers a successful placement anyone who continues their education and training after completion of this program. Our state approval agency, in addition to the above, only considers placement status for those who complete the program within the original timeframe.
Capstone College does not have any dormitories facilities under its control. Some accommodations are available in the community. However, the school does not provide housing services nor does it make any recommendations regarding housing.
Students must notify the Office of any changes in their personal information on file with the school. This would include changes of name, address, telephone number, employment information and emergency contact person.
Capstone College is not equipped or staffed to provide child care services. Students are not allowed to bring children into the classroom.
Academic counseling may be arranged with an instructor or the Director of Education. All financial counseling is to be arranged with the Office. The entire Capstone College staff cares about the well-being of all of the students and is available individually to talk to students. Psychological, marital, legal, or other counseling should be discussed with professionals outside the school. Capstone College cooperates with local law enforcement agencies in providing educational material to students, regarding health risks associated with drugs and alcohol.
Students may park in any space in the designated parking areas. Capstone College is not responsible for any theft, vandalism, or damage to your vehicle while parked in the student parking lot or adjacent areas.
Loudness, rudeness, or disruption while a class is in progress will result in your being suspended or expelled. You are free to stand up, stretch, or move about when necessary, but not to talk to, or otherwise interfere with, the other students in the room.
No smoking is allowed in the classrooms, offices, or in the lunchroom. Smoking is allowed in outside and in designated areas only.
Each student is held responsible for compliance with the regulations contained in this catalog and other policies and/or regulations as they are published from time to time. Failure to read these regulations does not relieve the student from liability.
Each year on September 17th, Capstone College celebrates Constitution Day commemorating the signing of the United States Constitution. The school distributes educational materials to all students. Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who are born in the U.S. or who by naturalization have become citizens.
The school has strict policies for students on copyright infringement such as textbooks, curriculum materials, and restricted and authorized items on the internet. Student use of school resources are limited to supervised used of copy machine and computers. Students may face civil/criminal liability for such copyright infringement and/or unauthorized use/distribution of materials.
An emergency should be reported to the office as soon as it is reasonably possible. No student is to assist in a medical emergency unless they have training that will allow for a proper response. The obvious exception to this is when life-threatening conditions exist and then the action of a prudent person should be exercised. A very high degree of personal liability exists when proper medical emergency procedures are not followed.
In the case of a fire, all students are to evacuate the building immediately. If an earthquake should occur, it may be wise to take shelter under a desk or in a doorway until all movement has ceased and it appears to be safe to exit the building.
Each student is to complete a Confidential Questionnaire indicating a name and telephone number to contact in the event of illness or injury. Any student with a chronic, health related condition should so note on that form. All information received is maintained in the strictest confidence.